

生物感測 Biosensing


美國WPI (World Precision Instruments)提供一系列巨觀(macro)和微觀(micro)感測器,用於監測一氧化氮(NO, Nitric Oxide)過氧化氫(H2O2, hydrogen peroxide)、氧氣(O2, Oxygen)、一氧化碳(CO, Carbon Monoxide)和硫化氫(H2SHydrogen Sulfide)。

WPI生物感測器 Biosensors



WPI offers a range of macro and micro biosensors for monitoring nitric oxide, hydrogen peroxide, oxygen, carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide. Find information on the different WPI biosensors below.

WPI Biosensors

We offer single channel and 4-channel systems for free radical analysis. These systems work with WPI's line of biosensors and your data acquisition system.

生物感測分析儀 Biosensing Analyzers

美國WPI自由基分析儀適用於生物感測實驗,使用WPI特定離子生物感測器可檢測氧氣(O2)、一氧化氮(NO)、一氧化碳(CO)、過氧化氫(H2O2)、硫化氫(H2S)和葡萄糖(Glucose)。TBR系列生物感測分析儀可設定監測感興趣的特定物質,四通道TBR4100可同時監測4個生物感測器;TBR生物感測裝置常被當成NO分析儀使用,非常適合實時偵測(Real-time detection),以及利用電化學(電流)檢測原理測量多種活性氧化物(redox-reactive species)。此系列光隔離生物感測分析儀具超低雜訊與獨立運行之通道。


  1. Our free radical analyzers are used in biosensing experiments to detect oxygen, nitric oxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen sulfide and glucose, using WPI ion-species specific biosensors. Our TBR series biosensing analyzers can be set to monitor the specific species of interest, and the 4-channel TBR4100 can monitor four biosensors simultaneously. While the TBR biosensing device is commonly used as a nitric oxide analyzer, it is perfect for real-time detection and measurement of a variety of redox-reactive species using the electrochemical (amperometric) detection principle. This series of optically isolated biosensing analyzers has ultra low noise and independently operated channels


生物感測器 Biosensors




  • 一氧化碳感測器
  • 葡萄糖感測器
  • 過氧化氫感測器
  • 硫化氫感測器
  • 一氧化氮感測器


Selection includes high selectivity and low detection limit sensors WPI's biosensors are unique, because they offer a high selectivity and low detection limit (down to nM concentration) with a broad dynamic range, covering physiological concentrations of species with different sizes from nanometer to millimeter. The majority of our sensors are the only commercially available sensors in the world. Scientists across a variety of disciplines have relied on our sensors for over 25 years. These scientists use WPI's sensors for research performed in universities, hospitals, biomedical research labs, pharmaceutical companies, food/nutrition research labs, environmental monitoring centers and military labs. Our popular biosensors are listed in thousands of publications.
  1. Carbon Monoxide Sensors
  2. Glucose Sensors
  3. Hydrogen Peroxide Sensors
  4. Hydrogen Sulfide Sensors
  5. Nitric Oxide Sensors

資料擷取  Data Acquisition


LabScribe是Lab-Trax™(以前稱為DataTrax)附帶的功能強大的數據採集軟件。 LabScribe顯示的採集與數據簡單明瞭,支援實際單位,以及不與採樣速率連結的時間基準顯示。螢幕上每個通道可以顯示高達100萬個數據點;滾動、放大、縮小工具,加上可搜尋的使用者介入表單,讓搜尋重要數據區域更為容易。同時,您也可以列印或輸出所見的任何內容。


LabScribe is the powerful data acquisition software included with Lab-Trax™ (formerly DataTrax). The acquisition and data display in LabScribe is easy and straight forward. It supports real units and a time-based display that is not coupled to sample rate. You can display up to 1,000,000 data points per channel on the screen. Scrolling, zoom-in and zoom-out tools, together with a searchable list of user interventions, make finding important areas of data easy. And, of course, you can print or export anything that you see.



 電極&配件  Electrodes & Accessories



  • 生物感測配件
  • 碳纖維電極
  • 離子選擇電極
  • 參考電極


Looking for reference electrodes, carbon fiber electrodes or ion selective electrodes used in biosensing research application. They are here with all the biosensing accessories.
  2. Biosensing Accessories
  3. Carbon Fiber Electrodes
  4. Ion Selective Electrodes
  5. Reference Electrodes


氧氣檢測系統  Oxygen Detection Systems



Are you looking for electrochemical detection of oxygen using carbon fiber electrodes or fluorescence sensing detectors for optical sensors? We offer several systems for oxygen detection.


氧氣感測器  Oxygen Sensors

所有好氧生物和厭氧生物適應生存於狹窄範圍的氧濃度中。氧氣是粒線體(mitochondria)氧化磷酸化(oxidative phosphylation)的末端電子接受者,細胞的ATP是發電廠。氧氣調節生產厭氧菌中固氮作用相關的蛋白質。透過產生活性氧化物質(ROS)來消滅入侵的外來物質例如:病毒、細菌,氧氣也是必需的。WPI溶解氧感測器為靈敏的線性傳感器且具廣泛應用。


All aerobic and anaerobic life is adapted to survive in a narrow range of oxygen concentration. Oxygen is the terminal acceptor in oxidative phosphylation in mitochondria, the cell's ATP making powerhouse. Oxygen also regulates production of proteins involved in nitrogen fixation in anaerobes, and is required for inflammatory elimination of invading foreign substances such as virus and bacteria by production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). WPI's dissolved oxygen sensors are sensitive linear and enjoy a broad range of application.



pH檢測  pH  Detection



  1. We offer a variety of pH sensors for free radical biosensing applications.


