美國 The Jackson Lab
美國 Taconic Biosciences
近交系小鼠 Inbred Mouse
免疫缺陷小鼠 Immunodeficiency
遠交系大鼠 Outbred Rat
閉鎖群 Closed Colony

NOG mice


CIEA NOG ® Constitutive Knockout / Spontaneous Mutant Mouse Model

First and Most Versatile Severely Immunodeficient Model on the Market

  • Immunodeficient model lacking mature T, B, and NK cells
  • Displays reduced complement activity
  • Has dysfunctional macrophages and dendritic cells
  • Displays no leakiness of T and B cells with increasing age
  • Very low incidence of lymphoma (unlike NOD scid model)
  • Does not develop diabetes
  • Excellent model for a variety of xenograft and human cell engraftment studies
  • Applications in research involving Cancer, Infectious Disease, Immunology, Regenerative Medicine, Humanization, Autoimmune Disease, Immunotherapy Vaccine, GvHD/Transplantation, Hematopoiesis, Oncology, Inflammation/Allergy, and Safety Assessment
  • The Il2rg gene is sex-linked


 The CIEA NOG mouse® was developed by Mamoru Ito of the Central Institute for Experimental Animals (CIEA) in Japan. The Prkdc scid mutation was identified by Mel Bosma of the Fox Chase Cancer Center in a C.B-17 congenic mouse population. This mutation was backcrossed onto the NOD/ShiJic strain at CIEA for at least eight generations. The Il2rg targeted mutation was developed by Dr. Kazuo Sugamura of Tohoku University by targeting the gene in ES cells derived from a 129 strain. Portions of exons 7 and 8 were replaced with a neo cassette. Targeted ES cells were injected into C57BL/6 blastocysts. Resultant chimeras were backcrossed onto the C57BL/6JJic background for at least eight generations. The CIEA NOG mouse® was developed by backcrossing the C57BL/6JJic-Il2rg line to the NOD/ShiJic-Prkdc scid line for a total of eight generations. Taconic received stock in 2006, and the line was derived through embryo transfer. The CIEA NOG mouse® colony was refreshed in 2011 and 2015 via rederivation of new stock using donors/donor material sourced from the CIEA NOG mouse® foundation colony at CIEA. The mice are maintained by breeding females homozygous for both the Prkdc scid and Il2rg mutant alleles with males that are homozygous for the Prkdc scid allele and hemizygous for the Il2rg mutant allele.




