HAA (NBRP No.0242) and LAA (NBRP No.0243) strains of Hatano rats were originally selected and bred from Sprague-Dawley rats for their performance in the shuttle-box task at Hatano Research Institute in 1985 (Ohta, 1995). (09.6.17)
Strain characteristics
LAA rats show low-avoidance in a shuttle-box avoidance task. As compared to HAA, LAA offspring showed lower body weight, delayed eye opening, poorer performance in pivoting and negative geotaxis, and increased open-field activity (Ohta, 1998). Peak level of plasma prolactin during stress condition is significantly higher in this strain (Asai, 2004) and is resistant to gastric ulceration (Asai, 2006). Prolactin also plays an important role in the regulation of corticosterone and progesterone release in this strain but not in HAA (Jaroenporn, 2009). (09.6.17)
Breeding Conditions
Reduced maternal nurturing leads to delayed offspring grouth.
Asai S, Ohta R, Shirota M, Watanabe G, Taya K.
Differential responses of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical axis to acute restraint stress in Hatano high- and low-avoidance rats.
J Endocrinol. 181:515-520, 2004.
Shirota M, Sato M, Kojima K, Ohta R.
Minor involvement of somatic growth in the onset of puberty of Hatano high- and low-avoidance rats.
Reproduction. 127:389-395, 2004.
Asai S, Ohta R, Shirota M, Sato M, Watanabe G, Taya K
Reproductive endocrinology in Hatano high- and low-avoidance rats during the estrous cycle.
Endocrine 18:161-166, 2002.
Ohta R, Shirota M, Tohei A, Taya K.
Maternal behavior, milk ejection, and plasma hormones in Hatano high- and low-avoidance rats.
Horm Behav. 42:116-125, 2002.
Sato M, Ohta R, Kojima K, Shirota M.
Strain differences in the spontaneous incidence of sperm morphological abnormalities in Hatano rats.
J Vet Med Sci. 64:389-390, 2002.
Sato M, Ohta R, Kojima K, Shirota M., Koibuchi H, Asai S, Watanabe G, Taya K.
A comparative study of puberty, and plasma goadotropin and testicular hormone levels in two inbred strains of Hatano rats.
Journal of Reproduction and Development 48:111-119, 2002.
Sato M, Ohta R, Kojima K, Shirota M.
Differences in sperm motion between high- and low-shuttlebox avoidance rats (Hatano strains).
J Androl. 23:250-258, 2002.
Ohta R, Matsumoto A, Sato M, Shirota M, Nagao T, Tohei A, Taya K.
Postnatal behavior in hatano high- and low-avoidance rats following prenatal exposure to low-dose methylazoxymethanol.
Neurotoxicol Teratol. 22:405-413, 2000.
Ohta R, Shirota M, Adachi T, Tohei A, Taya K.
Plasma ACTH levels during early, two-way avoidance acquisition in high- and low-avoidance rats (Hatano strains).
Behav Genet. 29:137-144, 1999.
Ohta R, Matsumoto A, Nagao T, Mizutani M.
Comparative study of behavioral development between high and low shuttlebox avoidance rats.
Physiol Behav. 15;63:545-551, 1998.
Ohta R, Matsumoto A, Hashimoto Y, Nagao T, Mizutani M.
Behavioral characteristics of micrencephalic rats in high and low shuttlebox avoidance lines.
Neurotoxicol Teratol. 19:157-162, 1997.
Ohta R, Matsumoto A, Hashimoto Y, Nagao T, Mizutani M.
Behavioral characteristics of rats selectively bred for high and low avoidance shuttlebox response.
Congenital Anomalies 35:223-229, 1995.
Asai S, Ohta R, Fujikawa T, Sakai RR, Shirota M, Ogata M, Watanabe G, Taya K.
Gastric ulceration and expression of prolactin receptor in the brain in Hatano high- and low-avoidance rats.
Endocrine. 30(2):161-6, 2006.